Monday, April 21, 2008

Vons...Newbie is savin' some money!

Here is my Living Well deal today...

First Transaction:

Nature's Way Pasta Roni $1.00 - Doubled 0.50 = FREE
(2) Nature Valley Granola Bars $4.00 - Doubled .80 = $2.40
Flat Earth Apple Cinnamon Chips- $2.50 - Doubled $1.00 = .50
ALL Laundry Soap $3.99 - Doubled $1.00 = $1.99
(2) Healthy Choice Panini $5.00 - Doubled $1.00 = $3.00
Lady Speed Stick $1.99 - Doubled $1.00 = FREE
Colgate Toothpaste $2.50 - Doubled $1.00 = .50
Huggies Diapers $9.99 - Doubled $1.00
O Organic Salad $3.99 - $2.00 = $1.99

TOTAL Before Coupons: $34.96

-$14.59 in Coupons

-$5.00 Baby Promo

Paid $15.37 and got a $10.00 Catalina

Transaction Two:

24 Pack Arrowhead Water $3.99 + $1.20 CRV
Bagel (for Bella) .74
Lean Ground Beef Multi-Pack $6.47

Total: $12.40 - $10.00 CAT from yesterday's shopping trip = $2.40

TOTAL OUT OF POCKET TODAY: $17.77 PLUS HAVE A $10 CAT for tomorrow


Jackie said...

I miss Vons :( All the stores here only double up to .50...really messed up my coupon savings! I do the Grocery Game, have been for about 5 yrs, so I know how it feels to save tons of money too! I'm going to keep an eye on your deals and on Hot Coupon World to see if I can get even better deals!

Jackie said...

That was me up there by the way...not sure where the "who we are" thing came from...
